• Question: do you just look at zebrafish for your work?

    Asked by anon-255209 to Lucy, Alice on 20 May 2020.
    • Photo: Lucy McGowan

      Lucy McGowan answered on 20 May 2020: last edited 20 May 2020 10:23 pm

      Hi Bailey! Yes, I only look at zebrafish in my research. However, I look at zebrafish in order to find out more about how bone diseases occur and how we could treat them better. Zebrafish and human bones are really similar, so we can learn a lot about human bone diseases by studying zebrafish. Some other scientists use a type of fish called medaka to look at bones too, some scientists look at mouse bones, some scientists look at human bones and some scientists grow bone cells in a dish to see how they behave. Having lots of different research tools, each with different advantages, allows us to learn lots more about bone diseases!
