• Question: How long have you been a neuroscience PHD student

    Asked by anon-253720 to Emily on 7 May 2020.
    • Photo: Emily Graves

      Emily Graves answered on 7 May 2020:

      Hi Elissia! I am in the third year of my PhD, I started in October 2017 (feels like forever ago now!). I am a funded PhD student which means that I am paid by a research organisation to do my research, being a PhD student is a strange mixture between being a student and having a job! I am paid for 3 and a half years so I have about a year left to finish off all of my experiments and write everything up into a big document called a thesis! This is like a book (some being over 200 pages long)! Once we have submitted our thesis we then have to have a ‘viva’ with two scientists, this is a cross between an exam and a bit of a chat. We discuss everything that I have done during my PhD and what could be better/the reasons behind why we did each experiment. Sometimes this can last for many many hours! But hopefully once you are finished you become a Doctor 🙂
