• Question: How many disease exist?

    Asked by anon-256844 on 17 Jun 2020. This question was also asked by anon-256872.
    • Photo: Alena Pance

      Alena Pance answered on 17 Jun 2020:

      Hi Olivia, there are many many diseases, some are genetic, others are related to the environment or our habits while others are caused by infectious agents.

    • Photo: Rachel Tanner

      Rachel Tanner answered on 19 Jun 2020:

      Great question – I wonder if anyone’s actually tried to count them all up before?! I work on infectious diseases (ones that spread from one person or animal to another), and there are hundreds just in that category! Here’s a nice alphabetical list:

      Some of them you’ll have heard of, but some might be new (there some here that even I haven’t heard of before!)
