• Question: What percentage of people get cured of cancer (all the types)? Like, if you counted the number of people that cancer has affected, what percentage of the people have been cured more or less?

    Asked by anon-256607 on 8 Jun 2020.
    • Photo: Emma Daniels

      Emma Daniels answered on 8 Jun 2020:

      According to Cancer Research UK, the survival rate for all combined cancers is around 50% in England and Wales. By this, they mean that 50% of patients live for a further 10 years or more after being diagnosed with cancer. This percentage is always increasing as research helps find new methods of treatment, so hopefully it’ll be even higher in a few years! A lot of factors can effect survival rate, and it’s vastly different for each type of cancer taken individually. Factors such as age, gender, and the wealth of a population can also affect survival rates. The value is also different for each country. You can find lots of info about all this here: https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/health-professional/cancer-statistics-for-the-uk
