• Question: What sort of illnesses is your department looking to find medicines to cure?

    Asked by anon-256638 to Sophie, Sandra, Kimberly, Katy, Karen, James_the_Scientist, Elaine on 12 Jun 2020.
    • Photo: James Beswick

      James Beswick answered on 12 Jun 2020:

      My research group is trying to learn more about problems caused by too much of a process in our bodies called ‘inflammation’. Some inflammation in our bodies is a very healthy, useful part of our natural defence against infection. But sometimes our bodies can ‘over-react’ and actually cause more problems than the original infection/damage. Imagine if the fire brigade turned up to a birthday party and soaked everything with water because of birthday candles on a cake. An example of where too much inflammation can cause problems is in Alzheimer’s disease.
